Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Spirit of mumbai

I was thinking to write this particular incedent which occured more than 4 years back but somehow could not push myself hard enough to write it on web all this years. Anyways its never too late to start with this one ! Those were the days when I was desperately searching for a job in mumbai after completing my engg in textile tech. I got one just for sake of starting a career & to find living for myself. One fine day when i was at dadar railway station (you know how painful it is to catch the local train during the evening peak hours if you are a mumbaikar) . Anyways I kept walking on the plateform after finishing a relatively bad day in office. I was feeling quite low that day & was thinking which way I was moving in life. Incedently i saw a family of begger women with her two daughters & only son. She climed upto the plateform from railway track along with her two kids & the third one, a little child was left behind & the women dint gave a damm to it & kept walking. The little girl was trying hard to climb the plateform when a quite good looking, a upper middle class girl came walking from the other side of the plateform. She was in her own world & suddenly saw the girl trying hard to climb up. She gave her helping hand to the girl & took her up from the track & just guided her towards the safety of her mother who was still not worried about her missing child & there she goes again in her own world.This is a very normal incedent most of you will think, but it meant lot to me & made me think hard that how many of us would have under the same circumstances would have actually thought about that girl & would have helped her ? It is also an example that the humanity in this world is still there & people are still helpful to each other irrespective of the society towards whom they are lending there helping hand. i really admired that girl from my heart that day & it was just so nice gesture that it is hard to forget. I do not know the girl & but wherever she is - just hats off to you, you kept the spirits of manking & mumbai going. i still have the whole incedent right in my memories & will not be able to forget this for rest of life. have a great day Praful

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