Saturday, September 16, 2023

The Illusion of “Just This One Time”: The Power of Discipline in Achieving Greatness


In the tapestry of life’s challenges, the phrase “just this one time” often presents itself as a whisper, a sudden moment of temptation. It’s a seductive call, a seemingly harmless indulgence. But peel back the layers, and you’ll find that this siren song can lead you far off target, especially in the realms of trading, investing, fitness, or what that matter, any pursuit of excellence.

The fascination of “Just This One Time”

I was watching an interview of Mark Minervini, a renowned trader in the financial world, and was very impressed with the way he emphasizes the dangers of succumbing to the “just this one time” mentality. Whether you’re trying to lose weight, get fit, manage your finances, or break bad habits, this phrase can be your worst enemy. Allowing your-self a single deviation from your plan or discipline can lead to a slippery slope of excuses and setbacks.

When we look at sporting legends like Roger Federer, Sachin Tendulkar, MS Dhoni, Virat Kohli, and Vishwanathan Anand, we see a common thread running through their incredible journeys – discipline. These icons of their respective sports never allowed themselves the luxury of “just this one time.” Their unwavering commitment to their craft and routines, even in the face of distractions, is what propelled them to greatness. I have taken example of Sports as most people can relate to, however legends are in every field, be it in music and arts, finance, defense, businesses an many more, but you will find the most common characteristic among them, and that is discipline.

Discipline isn’t confined to the realm of sports; it’s a universal key to success. In every field, be it business, the arts, or science, those who have achieved greatness did so by maintaining their focus and discipline. They recognized that the siren call of “just this one time” could lead to mediocrity.

However, it’s worth noting that these legendary individuals didn’t start practicing discipline only after achieving success. They understood the importance of early resistance to distractions. They knew that saying “just this one time” would erode the foundation of their dreams. Instead, they made choices that aligned with their long-term goals from the very beginning.

To achieve your own greatness, it’s essential to break free from the illusion of “just this one time.” Whether you’re pursuing financial success, a healthier lifestyle, or personal growth, maintaining unwavering discipline is the key. Emulate the champions of discipline, and remember that their success wasn’t built on exceptions but on consistent dedication.

In conclusion, the phrase “just this one time” may seem harmless, but it’s a trap that can derail your journey to success. Discipline, as exemplified by legends in various fields, is the true key to achieving greatness. So, let go of the illusion, stay focused, and watch yourself transform into the best version of you.

Sunday, September 10, 2023

"Envy and Inspiration - The fearless spirit of Indian Youth"

As I concluded my recent journey, a surprise message from Indian Railways announcing the cancellation of my train left me with no choice but to embark on a roller-coaster adventure—a Volvo sleeper bus to my hometown. Anyone who's braved and experienced long bus rides knows the thrill and discomfort I am writing about. Prepared for a bumpy night, I managed to board the bus, only to discover that fate had conspired similarly for a group of fellow travelers. Among them were four spirited young women in very early 20s and a charismatic young man, all deeply engrossed in the world of film production.

Their destination same as mine, and as the bus rumbled down the highway, our destinies mingled with each other. They spoke of their upcoming short film project, with the young man proudly declaring himself an actor, a young and charming girl, introduced herself as cinematographer, while two other were shoot designers. The fourth one was very talkative and told me that she is the shoot director. They referred the guy as 'Sir' who happened to be few years senior to them having already acted in couple of short movies. Conversing with them was a breeze; their youthful enthusiasm knew no bounds, and they held nothing back despite the age gap that separated us.

I couldn't help but marvel at their career choices, their boundless confidence, and their unwavering passion. In their fearless approach to life, I saw a reflection of what I felt was missing in my own youth—a time when opportunities and adventures were aplenty, yet I remained cocooned in my comfort zone.

Growing up, my world had been confined to the familiar streets of Indore, with the occasional trip to Pune being the extent of my exposure. Yet here, in the dimly lit bus hurtling through the night, I witnessed a new India unfolding before my eyes, one filled with limitless options and unwavering self-assurance.

Envy mingled with nostalgia as I gazed upon these youngsters, and for a moment, I desired to turn back the clock and rewrite a few chapters of my own life story. Unfortunately, time only moves forward, but the memory of that chance encounter with the fearless youth of India lingers, a reminder that it's never too late to embrace change and newfound courage.

#youngprofessionals #indianyouth #passionatepeople #youngindians #indiagrowthstory
